Custom Made Carrying Cases

Melgar, Custom made carrying cases and holsters for any type of Handheld Mobile Computer; handheld, tablet, mobile printer, data capture, pda, rfid, Bar Code scanner…
We know do what we love !. CREATE, transforming your ideas into real products!.
What offers you Melgar?:
-Spanish Company unique in the international market, able to develop the protection cases you are looking for with all the features you need.
-Our experience and professionalism in Custom Made Carrying Cases, will make your product development only take you a few minutes.
You will not need knowledge of manufacturing, from the moment you contact us, everything will be in our hands.
-Fast manufacture of prototypes.
-Custom Manufacture from just 25 units with a fast and reliable delivery.
-Fair and reasonable prices with top quality manufacturing in Ubrique (Spain).
You will not have to waste your time explaining what you are looking for, will be sufficient to contact us to define your product, everything is in our hands.
You not have to pay expensive samples that take months to arrive and not look anything like what you expected to receive.
And of course, you will not have to place orders for 1000 units with a delivery time of 3 to 6 months, paying in advance, not knowing what conditions will receive it.
Consult us your project and you will stay completely satisfied!.
Get to know our custom manufacturing service for covers for handheld mobile terminals:
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Link in Spanish:
Melgar. Experts in custom made carrying cases, covers and holsters for Handheld Terminals and Mobile Computing.